Chemex Pour Over W/Kone Filter

Ways to brew coffee

Discovering simple tips to make on a unique manual coffee product like Hario V60 are daunting. It does not assist the undeniable fact that there are so many different brewing methods online. As we look for to develop resources for assisting inform home-brewers and baristas alike get the most out of their coffee equipment, it's important for us to understand and glean from others in the coffee community. A helpful resource for brewing on manual coffee techniques, that also features our Siphon Brewing Guide, could be the website In an attempt to narrow down the alternatives in brewing options for aspiring coffee geeks, along with to contribute a new and helpful mention of the coffee community, we chose to examine and review eight various V60 brewing methods off of

The format below includes the specified paramaters of each specific brewing technique, the strategy itself, my Tasting Notes, my Brew Methods notes, and a Score from a scale of 1-10 based off of the style associated with glass about the other methods and coffee information. I used the same coffee each day, a Burundi Kiryama from counter-culture Coffee. The Grind environment specified below is from the Baratza Maestro, there is the latest design, the Baratza Encore, here.

We hope that the records and results when it comes to different methods below shall help you get a far better grasp of brewing regarding V60. Please leave any questions or responses below. Delighted brewing.

  • Dose: 24 Grams for 330 mL (72g/L)
  • Grind: Table salt fineness (14-17/40)
  • Temp: 204°F (95.6°C)
  • Pre-Infusion: 30 mL with a spin for 30-50 seconds
  • Total Time: no more than three minutes


  1. Rinse Filter
  2. Grind and pour coffee into V60 rotating the V60 to even out the grounds.
  3. Pre-infuse with 30mL of water. Give it time to remain 30-50 seconds or through to the bloom deflates.
  4. Include 300 mL of liquid aggressively to start with to break the crust.
  5. Pour in a circular movement maintaining cone volume at 50%.
  6. Total time is between 2:15-2:35

Sampling Notes

  • Notably bland with thick tanden-like surface that mixed with a method acidity that carried through the entire drink.

Brew Method Notes

Somewhat overextracted; at a ratio of 72g/1000 mL the 204 level heat appears to be too much when it comes to table-salt grind shown within the photo. Although I became making use of a dense bean (a washed burindi cultivated at an elevation of 1760 yards [5, 774 legs]), i believe the proportion and temperature was too much. This technique would specifically be excessively for a naturally prepared bean or bean grown at a lesser elevation.

Score: 6/10

  • Dosage: 29 Grams for 440 mL (66g/L)
  • Grind: moderate (or finer) (15-20/40)
  • Temp: From The boil (We brewed at 203°-205°)
  • Pre-Infusion: Pre-wet and allow stay for 45 seconds
  • Complete Time: N/A
  1. Grind and pour coffee into V60 shaking to stay reasons.
  2. Pre-infuse with water and can stay 45 moments
  3. Start pouring through the center out clockwise in a circular motion until volume is reached.
  • Light acidity throughout the sip
  • Light orange peel sweetness
  • Finishes clean with ripe berry (nearly the same as a naturally processed coffee)

After Barefoot’s brew technique I became cautious about using a high heat (over 200°F) with a ratio over 60g/L. That said I think this process worked amazingly really for just two explanations: first, it was a fairly general strategy which left it up if you ask me to fill out some parameters per the coffee I'm using; 2nd, as the dose had been greater than 60g/L while the brew heat high (I allow the liquid rest for a little after boiling so heat ended up being probably at 203°-205°) the grind had been coarser which guarded against over extraction.

Score: 9/10

  • Serving: ~27 Grams for 414 mL (65g/L)
  • Grind: N/A (I used 16/40)
  • Temp: Simply off boil (We brewed at 203°-205°)
  • Pre-Infusion: Pre-wet and allow sit for 30 - 45 moments
  1. Pre-infuse with water letting it bloom for 30-45 moments
  2. Begin pouring from the center out in small circular motions.
  3. “Ride the Bloom” - Pouring in circular movements inside center while pressing the lands outward.
  4. Pour that way slowly before V60 is complete and keep complete until total volume is reached; after that allow it to strain completely.
  5. Uniform, heavy layer of grounds should coat the filter all the way up.

Style Notes

  • Super delicious and very sweet
  • Delicate nice tang finish (from the back edges for the tongue)
  • Absolutely get more of a ready pomegranate than lime in this cup

The riper good fresh fruit flavor as opposed to the even more acidic orange peel flavor must certanly be accounted for by the hotter water temp (45 seconds to one minute off boil, therefore most likely brewed at 203°-205° range). Their ratio is 65g/1000 mL and pouring the whole liquid volume after the 30-45 second pre-infusion (which brought the water amount nearby the the top of 02 V60 permits a quicker brew time and less of a chance for hotter liquid heat to over-extract.

Score: 10/10

  • Quantity: 21 g for 9 oz (266 mL) of brewed coffee (79g/L)
  • Temp: 195° - 205° (I utilized 200°)
  • Pre-Infusion: Pre-wet and allow sit for 30 moments
  • Complete Time: 2 Minutes 30 Moments
  1. Grind and pour coffee into V60 shaking to be in reasons; make a divot in the centre together with your hand.
  2. Pour water into middle divot making sure to put no liquid along the edges. Let it Pre-infuse for 30 moments.
  3. Never afin de along the sides and continue to pour at a slow pace.
  4. The coffee shouldn't be allowed to be totally dried out you could pause to allow water clean through the coffee.
  5. You ought to be done pouring whenever going into the last 30 seconds.
  • Mild flavor with subdued berry style
  • Almost no acidity (some from the finish)
  • Good creamy human body

Tasted a little bit of bitters most likely as a result of over extraction. A 79g/L ratio is a super large proportion. I’ve never ever a lot grasped the rationale behind enabling a “draw-down” but other than the small bitters much less powerful acid fruity records, this cup produced a good calm mellow berry style.

Rating: 8/10

  • Quantity: 24 g for 390 mL of liquid (yield 12 oz) (61g/L)
  • Grind: 28/40
  • Temp: 201° - 205° (I used 203°)
  • Pre-Infusion: Pre-wet with sufficient to wet the causes (~50mL); allow remain 20-30 seconds.
  • Total Time: Between 2 1/2 - 3.5 Minutes
  1. Grind and put V60 on scale. Tare to 0 and afin de 24g of coffee into V60; make a little indentation within the grounds.
  2. Today put the V60 on the glass or host and place on scale, taring the weight down to zero.
  3. Gradually afin de sufficient water (~50 mL) into middle indentation and then outward to uniformly damp the grounds. Let it Pre-infuse for 20-30 moments.
  4. Begin pouring from center in concentric sectors.
  5. Try to perhaps not pour liquid on very sides anytime and then make yes never to fill more than the level of the grounds themselves.
  6. Continue pouring before total fat of water is mostly about 390 grams or 13.7 ounces weight.
  7. This brewing process, after pre‐wetting, should take between two to three minute.
  • Light, and sharp compared to various other brews.
  • Experiencing the tanden-like human anatomy surface once more that combinations into the orange-peel like style
  • Nice little acidic pucker finish
  • As the coffee cools you will find darker and juicier fruit flavors that can come out.
  • The acidity however lingers through the entire finish but not as prominent.

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