3 Steps to Brewing a Better

Coffee water ratio French Press

Measure Coffee

A coffee scoop is 2 level tablespoons/10 grams of coffee (whole bean or surface). Measure the coffee. Since our press pot may be the 30oz variety, we’ll use 5 coffee scoops (10 tablespoons/50 grms)

Grind Coffee

Set routine. Because of this strategy, we’ll utilize a coarse routine (usually called “French Press” from the grinder). Grind a little coffee-and look at the grounds (it must feel similar to harsh sand/raw sugar). If it's to your liking, grind the rest.

Add Ground Coffee to Press Pot

Put your ground coffee into the (dried out) press cooking pot.


Has the water began to boil? In that case, remove it the boil and wait about 20 moments. Pour water into press cooking pot and commence timer at the same time, ensuring that all grounds are damp (gently rock the kettle as you afin de, since this will interrupt the lands and damp them).
Set your timekeeper to 4 mins!


Stir gently and briefly. A number of the dried out reasons will undoubtedly be trapped inside “bloom” of bubbles. They need interest, also. Utilize all liquid! Since this is assessed out, it is important that individuals use all ingredients to preserve our coffee to liquid ratio (2 tbsp to 6 fl oz). Consider that bloom.

Cover Press Pot

Protect with plunger-lid system (but don’t leap it yet!) to protect temperature.


Once the timekeeper goes off, carefully press the plunger down.


Offer immediately, whilst the reasons are still touching water and will over-extract in a matter of minutes. To fix this dilemma, make sure you share!

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